
Saturday, November 13, 2004

Gurps Server

Ugggg... Hours of sitting on my arse waiting for our server to stop choking on its own vomit. YeeHaa. Anyway after tonight I go back to day work on the road for a week. I dont know which one is worse. Getting home beat from a day on the road or getting home beat at 3 or 4 am.

Jon: Daly City Train. Maybe we can hang tomarrow if you are about. Ill call you since I will not be up until afternoon.

Futbol: Sucks to be in your world right now. I give you serious props for the ultimate in academic endurance. You'll have to bring your final product back to the states and share so we can all peruse your pain.

Elrox-off: My impressions with Cable modems have overall been pretty good. Never had complaints about the one in El Segundo. They seem to have rockin' transfer rates. Latency can be a tad higher. Maybe (tiny population sample).

Back to work... Sittin on my arse.


PS Jon: I know you sang 'Daly City Train' out loud a few minutes ago.

PPS: JA-eL: When are you leaving overseas?