
Sunday, November 14, 2004

Digital Camera Question(s)

So, we're getting a family subsidy towards purchase of a nice digital camera so we can take quality shots of Haylee and family-type stuff. Being that I know very little about the hardware (but I'm learning, been reading-up for the last few days something fierce).. I'm wondering if you peeps have experience with any particular models/brands and what your opinion might be of:

FujiFilm S7000
6x Optical Zoom
RAW format

It takes AA batteries.. which some people seem to love, and others seem to not love.

So far, the reviews I've read say that it's a good mix of noobie automation and pro-features for the experienced guy (which ain't me, by any stretch.. yet)

You fellers have opinions or thoughts on cameras?

I can get this model on sale for $449 this week.. and have $400 in family subsidy to blow.. so it will only cost me $50 net. But, I don't want to buy it if it isn't a solid performer.



P.S. Aaaaaaaaron.. that sucks man. But, you don't need me to tell you that. Why don't you get hooked up with yahoo or google? Aren't they up your direction? I know they're always looking for computer-tech geniouses and pay out the ass. Of course, you'd probably prefer American Dinars instead of ass-pay.