
Friday, October 08, 2004

Republican Convention video clips:



On wife, child.. I'll tell you what. It really sounds overly simplified but when it comes to finding your permanent significant other, all you have to do is find your best friend that just happens to have opposite plumbing. Best friends before everything else.. and everything else just has a way of working itself out.


Ok.. so I'm in my man cave and working on downloading pictures and video to share. Might have this stuff ready to rumble sometime this afternoon. Weeee!


~ Daddy O.

BTW.. once you've finished the original NWN campaign, I HIGHLY suggest going through the Stephen Gagne module series "Penultima" as a funny tongue in cheek but still highly entertaining campaign.

Second BTW.. we should maybe consider downloading and playing the "Dreamcatcher" series as a group. I played it solo a ways back and it was absolutely amazing.. and the notes indicate that it supports as many as 4 players I think?