
Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Oi, Dat's me Leg!

Elrock still hates me for trying to play the trolly tunes. Boooo!

Crack'n'tosh. I gotta say I love them. They are really nice machines. They cost a bit, but really to a comperably equiped PC they really don't cost much more. Then when you factor in TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), Macs have parity with PCs or are cheaper. A big plus for Mac purchasers is that now that Intel and AMD have cooled the war between themselves and performance increases/price drops have slowed dramatically; thus, the performance delta between PowerPC chips and x86 chips has shrunk considerably. Personally if I could own both I would. Or if a commercial recompile of Mac OS X was available on x86 I would run that. But neither are true. Booo... Besides PCs are ugly. People hide PCs in the corner, under a desk, or inside cabinets. Mac users put their machines on display, proud of the fine design. There are only a few PC case manufactures that make a descent looking case, none nearly as nice as an Apple design. The new iMac is sweet looking.

Dr Futbol, really good to see you are chatty these past few days. I feel for you in the writing department. I am ot really a lover of the writing process. I get so frustrated sometimes. It is just mentally draining. You certainly did pick the academic path of masochistic punishment for yourself. But, "Soon you will die!" I mean, Finish! Right, finish.

I am sorry that I keep missing out on the whole NWN thing. I hope soon I am able to get myself outta this job and get a 9 to 5. Because I have been working f'd up hours, driving miles aplenty, and staying in hotels I feel like I have no life at all. By the time the 36 hours of weekend come around I am roasted. The worst part is the compensation sucks for this job. Oh well you gotta do what you gotta do.

Hey Mikal, will you be about for the GenCon SoCal? Dec. 2 - 5, 2004... I hope you can make it. Fitty days away.


ere we go, ere we go, ere we go!