
Monday, October 25, 2004


Out of curiosity, what was it about the end you didn't particularly like? Too easy or not enough dramatical closure for your liking? Did you, by chance, fully develop the plot line and relationship with Aribeth throughout the module? That was an interesting touch at the end to see how it could go multiple different directions.

Rude-Meister and I played some NWN last night and had some fun, even if we only got to play for a little bit. We tried to hook up a game with him hosting, but for some reason I couldn't link up to his "server".. kept timing out. So, we joined one of the existing persistent worlds to have some fun. I think it was a bit laggy (possibly an Australian server?) with 30+ players on simultaneously.. I made a dumb-as-rocks barbarian type and he had a cleric. We started out ok and picked up a job delivering some supplies to an outpost. On the way, we took a side-trip into a cave where my barbarian was nearly killed by a mean pack of rats (diseased! Augh!) and then we were both promptly finished off by a threesome of ogres at the end of the cave that our level 2 characters just weren't up for fighting.. so we called it a night.

Still fun, though!

Hopefully next week we can get a large merry band of minstrels together and have some misadventures. Rudy has volunteered to play the lead Bard if Eric takes the role of Druid.


