
Thursday, October 07, 2004

Mossssst excellllllent...!

At last, my spawn has been brought into the world to wreak much love and happiness upon the masses!


Uncle E, you are absolutely correct. We just got home from the hospital, set everything up in the home, I fed the troops (well, Michelle did the honors for Haylee, anyway!) and are now relaxing a bit and enjoying our time with Haylee Madison Nikisch, born 10/6/04 at 2:58AM, at 9 pounds, 22 inches in a natural birth.

I can't quite describe how incredibly awesome (both in difficulty and joy) the entire experience has been. She's just wonderfully alert, content and beautiful. As soon as I can download some photos and video I'll link/email/post them for all y'all!


NWN: Multiclassed characters are nice, but sometimes (depending on race, other factors) you will encounter an XP penalty. So, while fun at low levels, can kind of be a drag when you want to multi-class into one of the new "Epic" classes like Arcane Archer or whatnot.

Off to go colapse...

~ Daddy O.