
Saturday, October 16, 2004

Jon Stewart's a Gangster!

I didn't see it, but on Crossfire tonight, they had Jon Stewart, and I guess he just went OFF on them on being such hacks! Here's the transcript: HERE

A choice quote, and if anyone's tivo happened to have picked it up, I gotta see it!
[I guess during the entire show, stewart is being dead-serious and just reaming these guys]

Tucker Carlson (he's that little right-wing prick who always wears a bowtie): I do think you're more fun on your show. Just my opinion.

STEWART: You know what's interesting, though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.

Yikes! I love it.

Ya eric - i'm down to buy teh game. What's up with your game store? Are you looking for investors or something? I can help out with the cash register or something, but I ain't got shit for money pay the rent or anything.

ADD: If you have bittorent, here's where u can get the crossfire vid: http://bitflood.org:8080/?file=791b2f5d95a54d1381b85f271b51f71e73964185 (Don't worry - it doesn't lead to a direct download)