
Saturday, October 30, 2004

In the Land of Rice-A-Roni

I guess I haven't been too forthcoming about my SF experiences so far. I basically spent the first week of October doing absolutely nothing job- or apartment-related. In other words, it was purely a vacation. I spent tons of time walking around, going to random restaurants, lamenting that I have to do all my cooking with a microwave/toaster oven, and befriending cats.

In my second and third weeks I slowly started apartment-searching. I also got one job interview, but decided not to attend when I realized that maybe I don't want to do 60 hours a week in a dead-end job anymore. I'd much rather consistently work 40 hours in a dead-end job and spend the other 20 hours learning how to do something awesome. So I'm spending some time learning Java, with an eye towards learning J2ME (mobile version of Java).

I guess I posted about some of my apartment-searching adventures. I found two places I liked, but both fell through. So, the last week and a half has been a bit of a scramble, but I finally have found a nice place. I'm living with a young married couple and an IT dude who spends a few nights a week out of town. There's also a parapalegic cat. It seems like a good situation... the roommates seem nice, and I'm really happy with the room (walls could use a coat of paint, though).

I haven't been job searching so much because I've been so preoccupied with apartment-hunting, obsessing about iMacs, watching Freaks & Geeks, leashing cats to poles, waiting with Aaron in parking lots, reading about punk rock, taking big shits in a shallow toilet, and perfecting the art of toasted ham sandwiches.

I've been reading a fair amount, too. Current books, in case you're really interested:

A Princess of Mars
Please Kill Me
Exalted: Savant and Sorcerer
Head First Java

So, it's been a really good month to relax, explore SF, expand my brain a little, and probably spend more dough than I should. So, November should be all about job-searching... yee-ha!

By the way, everyone feel free to check out my silly li'l phone-camera gallery: hey ya!. (Password: enoto.)

Next year, I'm dressing up as Ragnar. I have the coat and everything!