
Sunday, October 10, 2004

How Post-Modern

Ahhh.... I see. But have you considered that what you would have done could you 'hear' the sounds as I spoke them would have been to reinterpret that string of signifiers through your own socio-cultural interpretive framework in order to give them meaning? So would you have "heard" me even if you had experienced them on an auditory level? DOHHHHHHH!!!!

Thanks for your wishes of sanity everyone. Yes, it's been hard work here, but wow, it will be good to be over with it. It will sort of be like being born all over again (but not in the Christian sense!!) into a world with colours and flowers and games etc. Looking forward to it.

Of course, I don't want you guys to think being here has been totally awful. I have had lots of fun, and well, it's Hogwarts after all. It just takes up every second, fun and work, and makes contact with the outside world a real problem.

Sorry to have been so blue the other day, my laptop has broken and I've been writing up on a PDA, so that should tell you a bit about it. Also being kicked out of my comfortable room etc. didn't help my mood either.

Right, back to it again... writing, not maturbating that is.
