
Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Hey! I'm interested in voice chat. The only things I'm worried about are not having access to the router, and the overhead on my computer (I am below the minimum specs for NWN and chug a bit already). I will need to join Rudy's $1-mic club too.

Maybe when we play "serious" games (non-hack/, w/ DM), I could go to Johnny's place and use his laptop? I have a PC copy I could install on it. That'd solve everything.

Aaron, Aimey and Johnny have been quite hospitable so far. Aaron is currently working something like his 97th straight hour installing windows XP for his heartless corporate masters. Johnny, I had a good time the other night. In retrospect it wasn't gentlemanly to laugh, but it was SOOOO FUNNY when your friend coughed that piece of hot pepper onto her plate. "Urggh" ... splat! I keep seeing it in my head!