
Wednesday, October 06, 2004


I had to force myself to sit at this computer and write a blog and update my FuseBall Phantacy Action. After 3 hours for a friend and then working 10 hours at my AAA job on Monday and getting home at 3:30am, I had to turn around and get up at 9:00am so that I could be in Gilroy at 11:00am. Then after I was done in Gilroy I had to hop in the car again and fly up to SF to work. Didnt get home until 2:30am. All said a 15 hour day. Tonight, SF until god knows when in the morining. Boooo.. Thursday night and friday night I will be in Sacramento working. more boooo... I dont get paid enough for this crap. I have decided I dont like large companies. The worst part about all this is that I have been dreaming about the worst parts of what I do at work for the past 2 nights. So I get up and I feel like I just got back from work, when in fact I have to go a few hours later. D'oh. So in other word I am not dead, just wishing I was.

Don't be so concerned about me as about Myke Hunt hAndersen. Jon seems to think Dr. Futbol was hoping to finish by august, but may finish by October. I dont rememeber the October part. I thought he said if I am not done by August he was screwed and that it would take until December. I hope he is doing good. Piss on your well. Wells are for drinking.

Jon, indeed your pad is very cool. Too bad you have to give it up in three weeks. It's the perfect place for gaming. I will find some time to hang with you.


Random though of the day:
Single and Lovin' it! -A shirt as worn by Chris Cather in HS