
Thursday, October 14, 2004

Chatty chatty Anderson

Yeah, don't know why I wasn't chatty before, probably because I was working on stuff and reading rather than writing. I can only produce so much text, either writing it or editing it before my brain packs in and needs a break, so that means I have more time to post than I did before. OpenRPG sounds kewl, even if it would mean I'd be role playing at 4 in the morning or something, keep me posted, though remember that I don't have my own internet connection, or even a moveable laptop anymore. Not sure the Cambridge server will let me install anything - actually I know it won't, still could be doable.

As for GenCon SoCal, must admit that it doesn't look promising that I'll be there. I really want to go and to see you guys, but unless some sort of miracle occurs in the next 50 days, I'll probably be frantically getting ready to submit the final thesis to the BOGS (board of graduate studies... BOGS get it, get it? Don't worry if you don't, it's an English thing.) I will be most sad to miss out on that, but we'll see.

PhD Update:
STILL trying to finalize Chapter 5
STILL trying to finish writing Chapter 6 (the last one)
Draft one of entire thesis ETA: Tomorrow Afternoon
Current Length: 100,345 words.
