
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Beyond NWNizzle, enter OpenRPG!!!

Jon complained about it previously, and maybe the Mac version is different than the Windoze version, but I installed Python, and the extended Python libraries, and OpenRPG with no problems. And I think it is pretty cool. I think that combined with the chat server, it could be a kick ass RPG-over-teh-net option for gaming! At long last we have a way to play D&D with Mike overseas, only 2 years too late!

I think it could be done easily and could be fun. Reserve the Teamspeak channel for the DM and room descriptions, the players type their actions, etc. move their mini's on the shared map, roll the dice, etc. It looks like it could be pretty cool. I am toying around with it and I might come up with something soon that could be tested and toyed with sunday instead of NWN.

Seems cool... and I could run The Worlds Largest Dungeon pretty easily....