
Thursday, September 23, 2004


If we don't have a static-IP computer/server to host the teamspeak program with a consistent IP address, then you're right, we'd have to get the IP from the host every time we wish to connect. If we DO have a computer that has a static IP address, then my understanding is that all that needs to be happening is for that computer to be turned on and have the teamspeak server software running for everyone to log in. If you're on cable (and maybe DSL.. I dunno) I think you aught to probably have a static IP address?

As far as hardware goes, all you need is speakers to hear and some kind of microphone to transmit. If we're role playing anyway.. it might be best to use the in-game chat for our "character" to speak and use the teamspeak for us to B.S. "out of game".

Updated baby news: Had a doctor's appointment today and he said she's at 2cm dialation (sp) which more or less means we're still on track for a delivery in the next few days. The 27th was the original estimated due date and it looks like that might very well hold true. Michelle wants to try to do this all natural which is admirable (I dunno if I'd be willing or able to try it without pain medication).. so we'll see how that goes. In the end.. *I* might need the meds to stay sane while she's in all that pain. I don't do well watching loved ones and friends in agony.

Anyway.. maybe we'll have to try and shoot for next week on the teamspeak and NWN experience. I'm going to try and get online with NWN maybe later tonight after flying and see how that goes. I think you can get into "pickup" type games as I understand it.

ACTUALLY.. I just remembered that one of the guys from my flight squadron has a "persistent" NWN world that he sometimes hosts. I've never played in it or tried it out, but I'll post a request/message about it today and see if he can get it up by tonight for our trial use. That would be fun!

