
Sunday, September 19, 2004

Since it's international pirates day

I vote the name "YAAR.... Hailey me timbers!" as her name. I think that would be quite subtle and put some hair on her chest. You do want that don't you?

Added: Rudy, by your spelling, the name would be pronounced HAY- LAY, after SLEIGH. I dunno. I personally like Hailey. Howlie's like a good nickname. But I would add an S to the beginning. I kinda like Shailey.

Eyreick and fellow fflers:
It'll be tight either way.. Aaron brooks rocked today with NO, but Deuce is hurt (my first round draft pick) and hopefully not out for the entire season, Doh! So I noticed Art made a move to get rid of his kicker... that's smart, and obvious move for most "experienced" FFLers. So I gotta get rid of my kicker and get back my running back. Hey, Dibs on my guy. No one take it, seeing that I wouldn't have got rid of him, if I knew I could drop my extra kicker.