
Monday, September 06, 2004

A Schwarm of Gourds

Jon & Rude: Yeah I think I am going to skip out on the novella. To much of a tease. I always skip the extra preview chapters at the end of each book anyway. Anyway I am reading a cool little book called Crypto. About how the use of encryption become a commercially available in the 80s. At one time only the NSA had access to crypto, and they didn't want citizens/corporations getting access to it. Without it the internet would not be a commercially viable entity.

Elrock: Workin' with the format again eh? I like the little ESPN action but isn't the default of "NHL" a little more than depressing. I have been trying to grab a little World Cup on TV. I figure that maybe all we see for a while. Anyway I like the longer blog area. Some of our recent posts have been getting long winded and require a good bit of scroll. What ever happened with your ventures into the "Seven Kingdoms"? Did you give up on the books or are you still cruising through them?
