
Wednesday, September 29, 2004

scattered notes from almost outta the basement

Well, I'm packing up my stuff trying to get ready for Friday morning. Tomorrow's my last day at work, Friday I fly out, Saturday I maybe play Neverwinter Nights--yeehaw!

Rudy and Johnny: The NWN camera isn't great, but to make it suck less, go into options and turn up the speed at which the mouse turns the camera. That lets you keep your hands off the arrow keys.

NWN is lots of fun, but the reason that I stopped playing in the first place was because I got tired of all the dialogue spewed at me! In my new game, I've rationalized this by deciding that my Wizard is a brusque fellow with mild dementia and ADHD. He's not really a "details" guy, he just likes to attack. I may rename him "President Shrub."

Anyway, I know nothing of this voicechat. Will I be able to use it on a Mac? Also, I may not have full access to the router that I'm operating off. Will I need to open up a shedload of ports? Will it slow down the computer much? I am already pretty much at the minimum limit for the game and get lots of chug.

Aaron: I've got a PC version of NWN that you can use. The price: allow me to use the Toolset on it from time to time if we decide to start creating stuff.

Rudy: creating modules is a lotta work... I doubt anyone would want to create a fully-fledged mod. HOWEVER, it's pretty easy to create custom maps, monsters, and treasure for DM-run games, and probably easy to insert custom music.

I've been reading too much about Fantasy Football lately; yesterday I dreamed that some of us were going to an Oakland Raiders game. As soon as we got to the parking lot, Eric and Aaron strode off into the distance leaving behind me, Rudy, and Johnny. The crowd split us the three of us up, so I had to take a different path into the bleachers. It turned out the bleachers were actually an infinite dirt slope, mostly natural but with occasional small, crude terraces. No field or game was visible. Dug into the mountain slope were small, knee-high caves, which given the fact that the entire slope was loose dirt, seemed likely to collapse at any second.

The real Coliseum, viewed from the BART, looks like a sci-fi prison. Pretty cool.