
Saturday, September 11, 2004

Rudy! I think youre being too judgemental and youre conclusions are half biased.

I don't think the movie is a propaganda of Anti Semitism.

The movie is violent, and that creates a hailstorm of critism, but try to see the suffering, absolving sin and tolerance rather than the physical torment. Also keep in mind, the focus of the movie was on the most violent and darkest time of persecution for Jesus.

Equivalating Gibson's father to Mel is translucent and flawed. Here's some of Mel's own words.

"Do I believe that there were concentration camps where defenseless and innocent Jews died cruelly under the Nazi regime? Of course I do; absolutely," he said. "It was an atrocity of monumental proportion."

Rude, rather than seeing the movie as a biblical source, I think people should see the movie as Mel's own interpretation of what he has learned in his life. He picks out quotes from the bible that he associates with and what is most important to him, as we do.
For example, Mel quoted the gospel luke "love everybody including your enemies because if you just like people who like you, what good is that?"
This is just a Pin-thread in the fabric of the bible that can be chosen from. But Mel chose it because he believes it. And so goes the whole movie.

I'm not to convince you to like it or saying youre wrong rude. Think as you may, but to me, it's the first attempt at creating a non-censored, visual portrayal of the events that occured to Jesus, rather than your cartoons or dumbed down stories. It also triggered an emotion which made me cry, when I saw Jesus suffering that I couldn't have imagined purely from reading the bible. I personally think that's all there is to it and all the criticisms and the attack on the movies are unfounded and fluff.