
Friday, September 10, 2004

Man, i think the people who run blogger are idiots. When you go to the blogger page to sign-in for this here blog shit, they have an article called "blogs vs. 60 minutes" which talks about how bloggers are uncovering that the documents that 60 minutes ran about bush skippin' out on nam duty were possibly faked because these genius bloggers recognize the fonts in the memo as being from ms word! OMG SUPAR SLEUTHS! The blog they mention is called "Little Green Footballs" and its one of the MOST disgusting ultra-right, ultra-offensive political blogs out there. If you ever go to that shit-blog and read the comments the users leave, they're the most hateful, ignorant, racist, false shit you've EVER seen. NO SHIT. and blogger.com is using that as some kind of legitimate source. Plus, the whole argument that the fonts and format of the army memo was made using ms word (even though it was written in the 70s) assumes that bill gates' Word invented all these typefaces and font and layouts. It's total bullshit, and it's already been discredited, but what the fuck. i get so fucking pissed off.

i hated "the passion." comeone jael - that shit was garbage. it was 2 hours + of jesus ***spoilers*** gettin' his ass fuckin kicked without any reasoning of WHY it was happening to him or why he just took it all. Mel Gibson's a tool. ***end spoilers*** :)