
Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Magic: The Flamethrower

Never really did get into the whole magic thing.. probably for lack of people around me interested/willing in farting around with it. I think I played with Aaron once at the river with some borrowed cards.. but that's about it.

NWN goodness.. I'm *typically* available for an extended period of gaming time on Thursday nights (that's what I've carved out of my weekly schedule for the last year or two anyway, as per negotiation with the Commander in Chief)

However, with impending baby this weekend (or next), I have no frigging idea when/where I'll be available. The wife is talking a big game about lettimg me still hold on to my Thursday night gaming/computer night but I give that about 50/50 for holding strong once put to the test. For you retards, I'd even give up my weekly flight simulator night.

Anyone interested/willing to set up a NWN Teamspeak server? Software is free and easy to use. I might be able to ask for someone elsewhere to host a channel for us once a week.. I dunno. Easiest solution would be to have someone in our group do it, but that failing, I can see about asking around in other circles I frequent to see if they'd be willing. I don't have the tech-ability to host/program/whatever to make it work myself.

(Can I name my character Mr. Theride or Beenine?)



~Cap'n O.