
Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I'm In!

- Never played Nevarwintar Nights online before. I know there is an option to create a module and then play in it, and I have tinkered with the module creation tools a bit tonight, but they look scary. It also looks like we can just start playing from the beginning of the game together online, which would kill me because I just started playing myself. There are also some modules that have been released that automatically download when you update the client.

Whatever we choose I am all for it! Now, I think that means that Art, Eric and Jon have the game, and everyone else needs to buy it, which will never happen, even though I think it is cheap now. Do it!

- Also, what exactly are the cell phones for Johnny? Who can you sell them to? What could the Burmese want with $300 cell phones?

- I started reading the complete tales of Sherlock Holmes a while back and just couldn't do it. Everything that he wrote about has been stolen and reused since it seems, and it was a little bit choo choo for me. There were no surprises and no twists. Admittedly, I read only like the first 2 1/2 stories...

- I stand corrected, Battle Royale was 600 pages long. Still, I will never get that time back....