
Monday, September 27, 2004

Good Tips!

You know, the blogger is funny. I think blogger sets a time on the posts, hence your post appeared before mine because you created a new post earlier. That would be my guess.

NWN: Yeah, those are some good tips. I didn't know that the experience points was shared with your henchmen, although the missions are excrutiatingly difficult as it, I suppose with your strategy, it would be harder at first but as you gain levels faster, should be easier.

Notice these weird things?
-monks are immune to enemy magic (jeez... that's powerful) -Most of the times I get dazed and just watch my henchmen kick the crap out of the casters.

-One level this guy casts the spell "instant death", which kills you instantaneously! The spell seems to work greater than 80% of the times, over your saving throw, and it's impossible to beat the guy without using the above. Invisibility potion yourself and watch your monk kick the crap out of him.
(a little bit too powerful if you ask me, bad guy not the monk)

- Treasures appears soooo random, it's almost stupid. Most of the times, I hate stealing from the townsfolk, trying to keep some realism by not robbing the entire town blind, but the treasures are almost just as good as the ones I find adventuring in deadly caves, IE battleaxe +1 in the room of a little girl. Or on the other hand, maybe the treasures in the caves suck, most of the times! Storage rooms will have 3 gold... It's too time consuming opening up those damn boxes. I wished they'd put less boxes to open, but the fear is, if you miss one, it could contain some important clue.