
Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Games are Great!

Dear god, when Rich got burnt that time it was beyond gross. He seriously had the worst burn I have ever seen. Any longer in the sun and homeboy would have been at the hospital in the burn ward.

Rude: I won't touch those deals with a ten foot pole either. They make that money back, on your sorrow. It is so easy to miss something and get screwed. Even though I am poor and would LOVE an iPod, I just can't do it. Besides I could never line up anyone else with that kind of pain. Be careful if you proceed with that plan. Stay on top of it like white on rice.

Eric: I still have my original Star Wars mini's we bought back in Senior. Never played with them. I still think Star Wars is cool. Even though Lucas is a boner. I have been seriously considering getting the original trilogy on DVD when it comes out this month. I may preorder it on Amazon. The only thing holding me back, besides money, is that it is the 'Special', look Han is a nice guy and NeVAr shoot-zors first, Edition. I wish they would put out the unmodified version. Oh well. I have been eyeing the Wil Wheaton book for a while. I guess he is kind of a regular guy geek type. Anywa I have found the spellcheck on Blogger a bit suspect at times. Not a large enough dictionary. You know I think they use an Explorer dictionary though. I think it is local. SO iguess it is more of an Internet Exploder issue.

That Transformers thing sounds wierd. Live Action? I hope Speilbergo knows what he is doing.

Art: We played around with NWN in its first version, but it started while Iw as preparing to move to SF, Jon to Boston. So it never went anywhere. I would love a group action thing, but if our Blood Bowl League indicates, it is rediculous trying to get all of us to play anything online. Everyone had totally conflicting schedules. Maybe a NWN session would change that. Of course some of us would have to invest.

Steve, I'm Steve.