
Sunday, August 08, 2004

Uncle El.. I've even been trying to keep the posts a bit short as I have a tendency to rattle on if you can believe it! Heh.. You know, though we lived as unclean heathens for those few high school years (especially me), there's always been a thirst for knowing and seeking the truth of things in all of us, I believe. We are not a group of dimwits and ignorant fools, in fact, I would say that the truth is indeed quite the opposite.

One of the very few lasting and positive things my biological father ever did for me was to sign me up for a library card and take me down to the library every week for a new book or two. In an otherwise unpleasant childhood, those books were an oasis and a window into other people's thoughts and posibilities. That, and the whole being grounded to one's bed for a few weeks at a clip during summer break were equally fantastic motivators for finding creative outlets to otherwise take a mental vacation.

(where's my :roll: emoticon when I need it?)

Anyway.. for fear of rambling some more.. I'll cut this short.

