
Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Reviews from friends and acquaintances for Doom3 have everyone raving about the "shit your pants" factor of playing at night in a dark room. Aparently the many ways in which the developers have deviously planted scary shit is the real "innovative" feature of the game, aside from really sweet graphics and sound.

The flashlight duct-tape mod has been very well received as folks found it to be a bit cumbersome and stupid to have done otherwise. I dunno.. it's probably creepy as hell to have to go around holding nothing but your flashlight and see the bad guys only by the muzzle-flash of your gun. Yikes.

Until I upgrade my computer, I don't think I'm going to be able to really enjoy this one to the full extent, so I'll probably pass until that time. Hell, I *just* bought Call of Duty.. hehe.. (which was absolutely kick-ass by the way).

