
Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Living the gay lifestyle in SF

Lots of food, sex and ewe. I'd recommend castro or haight but see i'm not much of a pirate.

Apartment prices have come down a little in fremont, at least it hasn't grown, but nowhere near cheap or affordable. Not for some of the average wages around here. I heard on radio that education wise, San jose isn't even ranked in the major cities, and Fremont ranked pretty dismally. LA of course was in the top 10. (eh? is that possible?)
Definitely give me a buzz sometimes, jerk... uh jon.

Doom 3 did look awrsome. Their flash site emanated some eerie noises, presumably from the demon flesh ripping monsters (They have people sitting on the computer 24 hours to do that). I'm torn between buying another game. Check out the Doom3 keyboard tho. $24.99 pretty sweet at frys.