
Thursday, August 12, 2004

BTW... (speaking of Ayn Rand)

Aaron, you ever get a chance to read that copy of Atlas Shrugged?

Anyone else ever read it?

It's kind of the "Editor's Cut / Collector's Edition" version of the Fountainhead.. if you've picked that one up in your literary travels.

Personally, I think it's quite possibly the best book I've ever read in terms of having a phenominal plot, a fantastic flow and crafting of words and then especially when contemplating the subsequent philosophical impact/introspection of the whole thing... nevermind that what was written back 50-60 years ago as a social commentary THEN matches up quite nicely to what is going on now with the world and this country in an all too alarming and square peg vs. square hole kind of way. Very on-point and a little discomforting.

Ahh, the age old question... Who is John Galt?
