
Monday, August 30, 2004

Best wished to you and your wife art!!!

Ya, the red wedding was pretty brutal. Good shit. I'm jamming through Harry Potter 5 now - also good shit - BUT, i'm reading a friggin pdf (i checked the rest from the library, but this one was checked out - so readin the bootleg now) and it's missing chapter 24! I'm so pissed - lookin for another version right now - oh fuck, wish me luck...

ps - good luck with teachin ryan - you should apply to hogwarts! You friggin' muggle, you! PLUS i got jury duty tomorrow. Hope I get the Kobe case - i'll write a friggin book about it or something - "i'm in the money! I'm in the money!" (what a classic jammy-jam, like house party 3 or 4.)