
Tuesday, August 10, 2004

As for IL2.. it is pretty much cheat free. There are built in safeguards against it including some extremely stiff speed-hack sensitivities (being the most useful in a flight sim) that actually monitor and track relative time-speed measurements. About the only lame-ness you get online (very seldomly in the non-arcade servers) is when people pump the screen print button to induce lag.

If you get involved, I strongly recommend picking up the free "Hyperlobby" client (do a google search) and flying there.. seems to be a more upstanding and mature crowd. The entire game is scalable from completely arcade mode with cockpit off, no stalls, etc etc.. all the way to full difficulty that includes no map icons or digital readouts whatsoever. Generally, I think that a few of these realism concessions actually make things MORE realistic by way of substituting for knowledge/experience that we, the armchair pilots, just don't have access to. As in, extensive knowledge of local landmarks and navigation points for lack of hours flying around the countryside as well as the "speedbar" readout that gives you compass heading, rough speed and rough altitude to substitute for visual acuity and peripheral vision lost by playing on a 19" screen.

As for reality TV, I'm complete with you there. Largely, a big fat waste of time to sit there and suspend your disbelief that what you're really watching is totally "sculputred reality". There's not much "reality" about these "reality" shows. I'd SO take the one mil and get the hell out of dodge. Their relationship is predicated and built upon a rediculous fantasy-island set of circumstances and interactions. Tell me how much you love one another when you've got to pay a mortgage, listen to your significant other snore, fart or get toothpaste all over the bathroom counter. A million dollars doesn't care if you scratch yourself or lay on the beach all day.

Now, if I had to chose between my wife/kid and a million dollars? Couldn't give them up.

Aaron, is there another step between the 9800 pro and the latest greatest shit on the market? I think you mentioned the 9800pro 256mb card.. which would probably do ok for the next generation of games coming out for the next 6-12 months I'd hope.

Also, I have the 4200, not the 4400... does that make the difference considerably larger between the 9800pro and my card?

Will I need a better powersupply if I get the 9800pro? I've only got the stock Gateway supply that came with the rig (dunno the wattage offhand).

