
Friday, July 30, 2004

Well, At least he didnt eat the goblins

You know I really am not good at flowing descriptive writing. I mean, I can put together some words and have the general meaning of what I am trying to say impressed in someone's head, but I am not a writer by trade. Yet, somehow I have been roped into writing a lot of the content for Pat's book. Blah... Jon where are you. I need a writing prostitute right now.

Elrock: That American Hardcore book is like finding Uranium 238 in the grocery store. Damn. Every time I am at a book store I look around for it, and well a lot of places have it in their DB, they dont have any in stock. I even found a place that said they had one in stock, but it was MIA. I guess I am going to have to break down and order the fugger.

O Rugs: You know I have come to this conclusion about religion: It is almost all recycled and unoriginal. There is a good reason so many of the religious beliefs practiced today have so many similarities. They all ultimately root to the same base religion... Power and those who chose to wield it to their own gains. Organized religious doctrine is just too self serving to those with ulterior motives. What is ironic is that over the millenia, many religious leaders probably did not even realize the pervasive perversion and truly felt that what they believed in was a righteous cause. In steps the crusades, jihads, etc... Yet at some point in the past someone uses these religions for their own gains or too save their own ass, even though they did not care for the religion itself. Say hello to the Romans. It is possible that maybe even those who fabricated the religions originally may have had less than altruistic intentions. Those creators and early leaders who didnt have ill intentions probably would watch in horror if they saw how their teachings had been perverted over the many years by those who did have bad intentions or poor judgements. I think religious teachings, to be true, must be passive, yet it is the aggressive active teachings that stick, because those are the conquerors and the 'creators' of history. Besides many of the religions are just to rigid to adjust to the multiude of changes to society that have come in the past two centuries. Hell Law has the same issue. So my point is, that should you believe in some form of a diety, you should worship in your own manner and not impose your ideas on others. Besides I think organized religion is a dated concept. It was really just a way to force morality on others so that society had a cohesive set of common mores. Now we have the fine institution of law. Oh wait, that sucks too. Oh well. That's what education and parents are for. Oh wait Bush gutted that. Well that leaves parents. Hahaha.. And I have said too much...

How's that for flame bait. I guess I am a bit ornary this afternoon.

Yo Momma