
Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Speaking of interesting word-associations.. I've been finding it funny lately that most people don't see/get the "hidden" meaning behind Arby's name.  For some reason it's always just made sense to me and I figured everyone "got it" until recently when I had to explain it to someone and then through subsequent investigation/questioning have kinda discovered that a LOT of people don't get it or just haven't ever really thought about it.

Then again, I think I heard about the place a lot growing up but never actually ate there until much later in life (I don't even remember seeing Arby's in the South Bay.. am I losing my mind?) so perhaps I worked it out on the auditory-level where most people see "Arby's" the name and don't get into the phonics of it.  I just always associated Roast Beef with "Arby's" as R & B..  It's funny though,  how little things like that are hiding in plain sight. 

Edit:  Man, re-read this and all that sure sounded like a big load of superior arrogant asshole-talk, didn't it?  LOL.  Sorry.  Unintentional, promise.. I'm a dumbass!

Maybe I'm just paying too much attention to the stupid minutia (sp?)  in life that no one else cares about.. hehe.. equally as possible I guess!

Actually, I've being going through a lot of realizations about this kind of stuff lately.  In large part, a lot of searching, reading and discovery about the origins and manifestation of organized religion and specifically about the massive changes/obfuscations and hidden meanings of words, people, places and things in post Council of Nicea era Christianity.  But, being the new fish here, I ain't about to go stirring the blog's political/religious crock pot when I'm still cutting my teeth and dunno if that's approved topica or not.

Apologies in advance if not.  Feel free to mock my Rainbow Squad mercilessly as punishment.



