
Thursday, June 24, 2004

Also, some words about Thief 3

Okay, its fun and all and a good game, but for fucks sake, why can't a damn video game company get the programming for climbing and dismounting ladders right? I mean I just broke out of jail, stole a bunch of crap from the jail, avoided and knocked out a ton of guards and then found a ladder to climb, so I did. The way to exit the ladder was to my left, and by "moving left" it got me nowhere, so I jumped, the traditional button to get off ladders. So I jumped off the ladder to my death at the bottom because there was no way to simply walk off the ladder to an exit to my left. This is the kind of thing that makes me 1) Never play the game again because I don't want to bother doing the same thing again (Jon cannot relate to this), and 2) Play supar cheaps style and save every 10 feet in case some other bullshit like this happens again.

I am way tired, way irked, and way hopped up on a cafe amerikana -- not a good combination.

Also, does anyone know shit (Jon) about screenplays? I ask because I am currently obsessed with this book on the history of the American Hardcore Movement. It is a GREAT book published by Feral House (they put out some real crap, but some great stuff too... "Femur", anyone?) documenting and re-telling the story of AHC from the beginning to end as told by the people who were there via interviews. Ryan I think would love it. Combining this book with Rollins' great Get In The Van (reprinting of his diary while with Black Flag, along with photos, etc.) there seems to be a potential Rocku - Docu - Mocku - Cockumentary, or just a movie based on all this shit. HC was born of an era of tremendous fear and doubt based on the early Reagan years, and it seems like in light of our recent un-elected leader, a story like this could be told and appreciated. Also, I think there would be an audience of people that have no idea really where their KROQ music really came from and need to know.

I don't know, I think I'm a little crazy right now. But everyone should read both books who has ANY interest in music, no one will, but still, I thought I would suggest them.