
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Ah yes, my documentary

For some reason I have seen the murder Brother Simon list somewhere before, I think you have already had one of these guilt-alleviator posts before....

Memoir '44 arrived, and it is in Francais. Boo. It arrived last week on Friday, and I am one of the lucky 6 people who had the wrong language sent to them. The night I returned from a visit with my aunt in SB, I opened the package from my doorstep, crapped my pants at the language, and then immediately hopped online to do some card effect translations (The rules without scenarios are available online). I finished the translations, printed my results, and then promptly translated the first scenario. So far through playing with Ryan we have translated 4 scenarios, though now it is easy because most of the text is familiar, so I should have little problem figuring out the rest of the scenarios.

And yes, I have already finished the magnet version. This version features photoshopped units and individual magnetic hex tiles as well as sandbags, wire, bunkers, bridges, etc. Nerd.

And also yes, they are going to remedy the language problem. Initially, they wanted to send me a replacement copy, and also a UPS pre-paid return package for the Frenchie Pete version. Then I said I opened, punched and played quite a few games already and all I needed was the rules and cards, and since they don't have spare rules or cards, I may get a whole set and keep the on I have, which means we can play the Overlord scenarios (which requires both boards and both sets of miniatures)! They have been very pleasant to deal with and have been apologetic and attentive-good company.

Good times.

Why did I make a magnet version?

And it is a TERRIFIC game!