
Monday, May 03, 2004

Yar! Maybe!!!

Hey duders. I dunno about sunday - prolly won't know till the weekend. I'm starting to work on the album, so if I can keep my shit together for the next month or two, I'll probably be focusing on that. But fuck, I know I can always use breaks, and I visit my folks on the weekend to do laundry, etc, so u can put me in as a definate maybe. The rough DEADline for the album is gonna be july 1st so there can be an early september release, but if I can get it done sooner, then we can put it out sooner! I'm pretty stoked. I'm still in for the khan though - my plan is to take a week or two of vacation leading up to the con to just work on my shit. Then, a weekend up north would be a nice "vacation" from the vacation before I head back to my job. We'll see - I know I can get a WEEK no problem, but I'm gonna see if the boss'll give me another week with no pay or something - mini leave of absence or somethin. Anyways, my guy stays on the ship if we don't meet up this weekend.

Alright jerkals! late