
Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Rudy, I think you've inadvertantly created the perfect tongue-shaving device!

F. Irewallington

OK, I've heard some similar concerns about Wireless shit--maybe you tech-savvy guys can explain a little why it's not as secure?

Here'z what I've got for protection right now:

1. Whatever protection the router (Linksys) provides... I don't know too much about routers, but they provide some protection, don't they? I basically just plugged it in and went. I haven't made any specific adjustments to it.
--> a. My parents' PC is connecting to the router via ethernet cable. My Mac is connected via AirPort. When my sister moves back home, I expect we'll install a wireless card in her PC.
2. I also turned on the firewall built in to OS X. (Pretty easy... you go to your network settings and there's a button marked "Firewall On." Ah, Macs.)

Am I pretty cool security-wise? Or not so cool?