
Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Nice Shot o' "The Toast of Ice Lee"!

Although not to be out done by the shots of "The Toasted Ice Lee"

Jon: Wireless is cool, but I dont really like the security issues. It is harder to protect unless you know what you are doing, like are esteemed colegue Elcrotch. Damn nice to roam with a laptop though I have to say. Now that I am deeply engrossed into "A Game of Thrones" book I would like to play the game. Bring it.

Ice Lee: I have a drill, lets use that. Dont trust Jon and his silly Mach 3 business. It simply goes too fast. Before you know it he will have shaved your turkey neck too. We dont want that. Seriously though. Why dont you go to another doctor altogher or are you bound to the current one because of your insurance?

Elrock, maybe Twilight Imperium is in order. Only we need to bring your iPod looping a mp3 consisting of a humming background punctuated with the occasional buzz. Top with chocolate and java beans. Mix in a little tired. Rule!

Rude: That is sweet about the recording. If you are willing you should bring some sounds for us to listen to. I am interested in hearing them.


BTW Elrock, your testes appear to be rough at first, but tender in the end.