
Saturday, May 22, 2004

Micheal and Moore

1) No
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) Yes
5) No, unless perhaps they find some drunk on the corner in DC and dress him up like Bin Laden.
6) Iran

Rude: I hope the movie comes out this summer. The movie really needs to come out close enough to the elections to be on peoples minds when they vote. Not too soon as too be forgotten by election time and not so late that not enough people see it. Of course you know all the wrong people we see it. Meaning all the people that hate Bush already and none of those that need to see it, much like bowling for columbine. I have been following the developments for the past few weeks and I think the owners of Miramax are close to a deal to purchase the movie from Miramax (aka Disney) to put it out themselves.

Ry: You know it is really hard not to obsess about the man and his folly when you have too much time on your hands. I found when I was working I got pissed about him from time to time, but it didnt dominate my attitude. But now, everytime I peruse the Internet all I see is Bush this and Bush that. I guess I just didnt have enought time to see it before. That and more and more crap is published about his ineptitude.

However if you want this man to further piss yourself off, check out this article, "Bush: Dumb Like A Bullet. Is Dubya both a bumbling simpleton *and* a shrewd manipulator who smirked at tortures in Iraq?". Yeah a good deal of it is speculation but some of it seems grounded on real info. See the links in within the article to other new sources.
