
Friday, May 21, 2004

Michael Moore's Doom

So, when do you think he will suddenly and without warning, tragically die due to heart-failure, single-car accident, etc.? I think he has just crossed over the fence into "The Land of Seriously Fearing for Your Life". If W is allegedly okay with the 9/11 attacks, and waging war for personal interests, don't you think he wouldn't bat one of his cute monkey-faced eyes at the notion of assassinating Moore?

Here is my poll:

1) Will Moore be dead within one year?
2) Will the movie ever see legitimate/legal distribution?
3) Will W win the presidential election?
4) Will W take any kind of vacation between now and the election?
5) Will W pull Bin Laden out of his ass before the next election?
6) *Bonus Question* Which country will we attack next, not today, not tomorrow, but the next in line whenever it happens?

My answers are: 1-no, 2-yes, 3-no, 4-yes, 5-no, 6-Saudi Arabia

In other news:

- Rudy, can we hook up this weekend so I can get the bin from your coche?
- One of my insane projects looks like it will be finished by Kublacon! Hooray for insanity and stupid, useless, time-consuming projects by me!
- I have ordered a GBA flash cartridge, should be here by thursday! I got a 256MB version, looked cool, and looked to be better built than the others. Details to follow! (I'm such a sucker)