
Thursday, May 20, 2004

If You Liked Tennis...

- This is teh shits for the Gameboy Color. If you ever go to Europe, or anywhere else (like Kublacon) and you can only bring one game with you, bring this one. This was the only gamboy game I had and played during my tenure at UCI, and I still love it! I didn't even think to look for it on the emulation station that you gave me Rudy! It's there! Do it!

- I am contemplating picking up Harvest Moon for the real GBA for the con as per Jon's suggestion/obsession explanation. Try it out, it's another weird addictive one....

- Some wireless routers allow the SSID to not be broadcast at all. So, while there might be a signal that can be sniffed from the air, and packets that also can be snatched out of the air, it will make things even tougher actually use the network without a name. Also, set-up WEP. It will keep out the casual wardrivers or neighbors from using your network too.