
Friday, May 07, 2004

Friday Freshinator

Yeah I am over the whole laundry thing now. Still it bothers me that some people value their time so much but care so little for others. Ahh yes the Me complex so many people seem to have.

I think I am going to have to catch the Kill Bill thing. Although I will probably wait until they come out on DVD @ Netflix. Just add it to my Queue. You know everytime I go in to my Netflix account I look at the Queue Aimey has stockpilled and I get frustrated and give up. She has 98 DVD's in it. She tells me to put my movies in the list where ever, but I just look at it and say, forget it. Too much work. Now is that lazy or what? And no it is nothing like my book theory problem. Which Ayn Rand personally cured for me. Right now, I am reading The History of the Second World War. That book is really cool, but it is going to take me forever to read. SO I have been on/off reading that one with others intermingled (A Game of Thrones and the US Army Survival Manual). See I am cured Jon.

I hope they crucify Rumsfield