
Saturday, April 24, 2004

Yet more congratulations!

Wow, so much change, time seems to really fly when working on finishing the diss.

Firstly, well done Rude! That's so amazingly cool - I'm so glad my friends are being so successful! Can't wait to hear your work - sorry I've not been in on it from the beginning, but if you've still got links to any of it, send them again please.

Secondly, Elrock - I'm not sure I'm reading the blog correctly, but if you've left the job to found a game store - as it sounds, then I only have one question,' Can I come to work for you?' Seriously, so good to hear that the dream isn't dead, and that Paul's will metaphorically live again (albeit in a much better form...)

It's so great they you guys are doing so well! As you might imagine, for me the panic has really set in... one might even call it PhDschrek ! I keep getting threatening emails from the University and I'll be out of a home on October 1. It's bad, and I'm working these fabulous hours, but I believe I might just get it done on schedule so that I can get the fuck out of here and come home. Not that I'll be able to do anything with my degrees or anything, but, at least I won't be so far away... Well, that's all my news. Wish I was going to Klub-a-thon - Maybe next year. Did you guys get the volunteer offer for TrueDungeon? Sounds like perhaps it's not going to be at SOCAL, if, indeed there is a SOCAL GenCon. Righto. Sleep for me now, perhaps preceeded by some relaxing driving in Vice City. (Sad but true that I actually just drive around, not even running traffic lights - guess I'm just losing it...)
