
Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Why is it still winter here?

Just a short note before I plunge into the library again. Btw it's lunchtime here fore me... well, 2pm, close enough. Rude- I finally checked out your stuff - really cool! I liked the samples and the website was great too, especially your branding titles and images! Oarsome!

So, it was sunny and nice here for about 2 days, and now, it's shit again. Remember, reality is shit, and Seiiiii-ber space is god, so perhaps I shouldn't complain. Nearly finished with my research! Quite pumped about it actually as it will mean I don't have to go spend any more days in that fluorecent, still room with the annoying librarians. Wahoo! Now, all I've got to do is write 50,000 words by June, piece of cake.

Laterz, (man, I'm so hip...)