
Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Bortz a Lot

How was Seven Samurai? I have always wanted to see it. I even rented it once and I didnt watch it before I returned it. Idjiot. I always liked the look of the Legend of the Five Rings, but I always felt intimidated by the hours of investment a single gameplay often requires.

You know, everything here in San Francisco normally appears pretty busy. The city is usually a buzz with activity, particularly on the roads. Yet, now, after dealing with the wildly chaotic traffic and the constant flow of pedestrians on the sidewalks, San Francisco seems almost sleepy. Particularly the driving part. In Rome, traffic lines dont mean shit. EVeryone seems to drive where they see fit, very aggressively to boot. To top it off most intersections do not have Street Lights. Even some of the major artery street intersections are lightless. Throw in a couple hundred thousand motorscooters that seem to fear nothing, including potential pedestrian collisions, and you have a recipe for chaos. I think the vehicles there run on Warpstone and not gas. The odd contrast is that San Francisco seems so sprawling now. Huge streets and large sidewalks, not at all like Rome. Nor Firenze. Venezia.. Well thats a entirely different story. Imaging the southbay totally built up with four story houses, no sideyards, frontyards, or backyards. No remove all the streets and one side of the accompanying sidewalks. Now you have Venezia. Bizarro. I think Walt Disney got a lot of ideas from there.

Elrock & Oetersen: What is the best way to contact Denish? And When?

Das Fucker