
Tuesday, March 02, 2004


Ja -El: Maybe... But not the way you are describing them. I have seen Elrocks finesse teams make a fucking nightmare out of the games against me (Not that I am a great coach mind you). You need to have a suitable strategy to suit the team. The finesse teams are a little harder to play and in the long run, like in tournys they can be slowly eroded away with injuries. In some cases huge differences in ST and AG can be a problem, take the Halflings as an example. However, the Elves are more capable then you give them credit. Of all the teams, I hate the teams with Wardancers, more than anyother creature. Whoredancers were always little bitches. More star player points were racked up with them than any other single player type.

Jon: I thought you always told your Uncle that your cock is Huuuge. I checked out the Grey album. It is interesting. Im not a big fan of Jay-Z so it isnt well suited for me. The sound was not all that great even for an mp3. I presume the sound quality problems were as a result of capture/ripping and less from compression. It was cool how the two were mixed so cleanly and seemed to belong together. SHame on the RIAA and EMI as usual though. Fuggers. Some day they will wake up and smell the coffee.
