
Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Enron-Halliburton '04

1. That was a bumper sticker I saw today. Made me laugh.
2. I went up to Santa Barbara this weekend. I'd never been there before when school was in session and tons of students were wandering about. UCSB college girls are smoking, but only moderately so. I think they drink too much. I don't know. They'd probably throw up on your cock while sucking it.
2a. I had the best pork sandwich evar at this place called "Left Turn at Albuquerque." Cheesy name, cheesy decor, but man... that was good pork.
2b. I'm also ashamed to say that we saw "Starsky & Hutch." It was hot, we didn't want to leave yet, my brain was half-melted. There were four or five good laughs in it, with the rest being pretty bad, but watchable. Will Ferrell was pretty good. He needs to make more movies besides ones about elves.
3. I've been playing lots of "Prince of Persia 4" lately. It's awesome! It's short enough to be beatable in a reasonable amount of time! I highly recommend it.