
Thursday, March 04, 2004


Congrats Jael! Now, what are these points for?

Anyone watch that new Stephen King tv show, KINGdom Hospital (... bibliotecha... hospitale...) ? It was a lot better than I imagined it would be. Still wasn't all that great - definately not something I'd mark on my calendar to watch every week, but for a S. Kingington work, it was sorta watchable.

I'll finish the da vinci code tonight sometime. It is a pretty fast read. Maybe 8 hours MAX to read the whole thing! Maybe less. Its ok. He seems like a pretty crappy writer, but I'm a suxor for secret society shit, and all that shit is always fun and interesting to read. His writing and characters and action and everything else seems SO BAD though. I guess thats modern day pulp-fiction for you, but sheesh. "Langdon was in his early forties and looked like Harrison Ford in a tweed jacket." Thats just lame. Oh well. It ain't HORRIBLE, but Jesus H. Gibson, it doesn't seem like he tries very hard. I guess the opposite end of the speculum is Quicksilver by Neil Stephenson. OH GOD, IT NEVER ENDS! I'm gonna finish that damn book though - invested way too much time into it already.

Ok, enron - tell me when u wanna lose, mmmk? thx