
Tuesday, March 09, 2004


Ja -eL: Good news, it's a suppository. I mean that is great to hear.

Eric: I think this convention (Kubla) will see the return of Garlatory or supparlic. AKA Garlic nibblers. How much are apothecaries? I am afraid to select 'buy' and find out it is too much AND I wont be able to change my decision. It doesnt say on the overview page what the cost is like the other purchases. What do you think of the recent acquistions by the Kings? Anson Carter seems like a good pick up. I dont know much about the prospect we traded away. Cowen for Brennan? How has Dempsey looked on ice so far? Sigh.... I wish Kings games were on TV here.

Jon: I have been to a left at Albuquerue up here before. I wonder if they are affiliated. I was less than impressed with them. Slow service and over priced. Didn't you know I was running for public office?

Gnarly Ghhhha-Rilla