
Thursday, February 26, 2004


BooblaKahn-a-go-go. Awesome, well as Sir jOhNNy L33 pointed out, the low low price of $25 for pre-reg ends on the 28th of this month. After that it bumps up to $30. For more details and reg info go to www.kublacon.com.

Sidenote: Although Kublacon's website isnt a great design, at least it doesnt make God cry. Strategicon had to have one of the worst sites of all time. They have updated the site though. Still bad but not nearly as bad.

Dr. Motorbyke Futbol Andersen: What is the job market looking like for you? DOnt take that job in Alaska. Man that would suck. My roommate lived there for a while. Boy is there a lot to do there. Or not. Riddle me this: when you stated 401k you meant of course 40k (typo). I dont think a bunch of investments in minitures will serve me well in the post working age of my life. Just a thought. I just don't see Games Workshop products holding enough of a premium to get even there value back in 40 years. In all seriousness, good luck with the paper. I hope all goes well.
