
Monday, February 02, 2004


Yeah I noticed that fine one two. So much for 99.99% or even 99.9%. In fact I doubt they can even make 99%. Great webservice. Fuggers! Elrock I support you 100%. I will donate. You know what really rules about nexpoints timing? Too bad I am telling you anyway. I just sent out a resume/cover letter for a job refering to a website hosted on guess what a nexpoint server. Go figure. So I sent it out of friday afternoon which mean they probably tried to look at the site this morning. Rule.

Aimey and I went to Johnny Khan Superbowl bash. Well yet again I have failed to win at Carcosonne. I really like the game, but man I suck. As usual I didnt watch much fuseball, aside from the last 10 minutes of game time.

Elrock, kick some Bass.

PS Elrock when you are going to switch the domain for Studio give me warning so I can inform them that they will be having an interuption in service. Particuallry the email. I need to know how long they will be down and the particulars of the changed server names/passwords etc... I know it is a pain, but it would be best if they could make the transistion over a weekend.