
Thursday, February 05, 2004

kudos, 2 shillings and some chin nuts

Ayerick - Most of it sounds good. I would like to see a game a week though. It may seem like a lot, but 2 hours out of a week doesn't seem much to ask for, especially 2 hours over saturday or sunday. At the height of previous blood bowl frenzy Rudy and I were blazing away at 2 games just over the weekends. If people wait too long, people will just lose interest, or you start getting people wanting to play side games, and non-league sanctioned games.

-In addition it's important that People FULLY participate. It'll only take 1 person to ruin the whole schedule by being MIA or lethargic.

-Also, I don't think we should play with people and teams outside the league... ruins the whole league gameplay. The fifth team should take a break and not play for that week. So that way, 2 out of the ten weeks you get (un?) deserved reprieve.

P.P.S what about the T-shirts and stuff?